Sunday, September 28, 2008

Words and Meaning

Crayon, Acrylic paint and ink on velum over stamped paper
9 x 12 inches

Crayon, Acrylic paint and ink on velum over stamped paper
9 x 12 inches

"Yes and No"
Crayon, Acrylic paint and ink on velum over stamped paper
9 x 12 inches

1 comment:

Lawrence Gordon Wray said...

something about the eyes of these three causes me to want to continue looking at them. What they communicate is difficult for me to say--they say many things. All three have the quality of witnesses. So, though what they say seems to be difficult, I don't want to turn away, as though this one fragile moment would be lost in a sea of "no" if I failed to respond fully and generously.

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